April Newsletter '09


April has been about the busiest month I can remember - but I have a feeling that May is going to be even busier! We've got the Flunkers visiting the Bahamas, Micah's Birthday and much more.


The Flunkers Fly South for Spring Break

Our very first visitors since we've been on Eleuthera are my parents Mark and Grace, and my sister Kari. The Grandparents got a week off of work (which 1 week just isn't long enough if you ask them), and Kari was able to stay with us for 2 1/2 weeks.

We had a great time while they were here. I think we went to the beach more in the week everyone was here than in the entirety of our time on Eleuthera. Of course everyone loved to hold, feed, and play with Micah.

For their trip down they brought Easter presents and Birthday presents for Micah. It really worked out well to have them here over spring break, since we all go to celebrate Easter and Micah's birthday together. Having family here makes it feel even more like home (grandma made waffles for breakfast, and the grandpa turned the neighboring apartment into a wood shop). We sure do miss them and we're already looking forward to next spring break!

Pictures of the Grandparent's Trip
Pictures of Kari Flunker's Trip


Micah Turns ONE

So hard to believe that our baby is now 1! Its amazing how fast time flies; and everyone tells you that it will.

We actually had 2 parties for his birthday - one with family here early, and one with friends on time. For the first one, it was the grandparents and Kari, and Micah had a banana cake, which he devoured. Then for the second one, Brad and Alicia and their two kids, Tristan and Evelyn came to play with Micah in his new pool - everyone had a wonderful time.

We are so blessed to have Micah in our lives and we praise the Lord for our 1 year old.
Pictures of Party with Family
Pictures of Party with Friends

The ministry is reaching the most busiest time of the year. We are on the cusp of starting our summer teams, and there is always a lot of preparation for that. April saw our biannual Bahamian Board Meeting, which went very well. We had CMA Director Paul Voss along with Dave Thompson and David Gaither come down for the event.

Currently, we are finishing up the final course in our 2 year curriculum. Paul Voss and Pastor Matt Price are team teaching the course "Missions, Evangelism, and Discipleship," this week. Then this coming Friday we will have our 4th graduation ceremony for our Bahamian students. It is always a joyous occasion and a celebration of what the Lord has given and provided here on Eleuthera. So, you can expect to see lots of pictures and info coming soon throughout May.

Pictures of the Bahamian Board Meeting
Pictures of Easter


Prayers and Praises
Praise for the wonderful treat and blessing and safe travel for our family, during their visit
Praise for the Lord's provision for all of our needs in all circumstances
Praise for the gift of our baby boy, who just became a toddler (there's a prayer request hidden in that praise)!
Praise for the celebration of Easter and our Lord's resurrection which is our hope

Pray for this final class and for our teachers Paul and Matt
Pray for the many events which CMA is responsible for: Alumni Followup, Summer Teams, May's Graduation
Pray for our financial support - and that we might finally get to 100%
Pray for our students as we cover this final course, that the Lord would stir their hearts to join in God's Mission of calling all peoples to Himself


Thank you for keeping up with us and our progress in ministry. We so value your prayers and support, and we would ask you to take a moment and pray for our journey and how you can play a part. To find out more CLICK HERE.