May Newsletter '10


May was both fun and full, seems we got to do a little of everything this month. You'll read about my sister's visit to the island (she's an island pro now!), our team from Grace Church, and our final class for the school year in Rock Sound.


Kari and Julie's Visit

Following close on the heels of the grandparent's visits in April, Kari and our friend Julie came down for a week and a half. No big plans for their visit, just some quality time with Micah and relaxing (except for when I put them to work!).

Seriously though, both her and Julie are a huge help. It seemed like just making the house run was easier with them here. And the whole family was spoiled with all the extra attention and love. Micah still asks to play with her in the mornings and out dog Tag is a professional table-scrap begger!

We are very thankful for their trip and the time they spent with us.
Check out more pictures from their trip HERE

Ministry in May

We had a repeat adult work team from Grace Church come down in the middle of the month, and boy did they work! This team was highly motivated to help in many ways. Not only did they put together an new enormous cistern at the Training Center, but they worked the entire week on a neighboring island partnering with a local church to repair a home which burned down 2 weeks prior.

We also had our Doctrines II course in Rock Sound, which completes all our courses for this calendar year. The class was fantastic and we had almost perfect attendance with some very lively class participation. Our students in Rock Sound are so encouraging; on one of the nights they surprised me with birthday party (I think they sang to me like 3 times that night!). It is such a blessing to serve and teach here.

Click HERE to read more and see pictures of the Rock Sound Class


We are gearing up for a busy team season starting this month (June), and lasting through August. Teams are always such a blessing, they give of themselves and come to serve, and its just a great chance to be around other Americans too. Micah is growing fast, he's already bigger than some Bahamian 3-4 year olds. He has also mastered watching TV, and we think he has a crush on Michelle from "Full House!" Its very cute! Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers this month.

Check out pictures of Micah FINGER PAINTING


Prayers and Praises

Praise for a great team with Grace Church and the opportunities they had to serve
Praise for a great class in Rock Sound and such wonderful students
Praise for our time with family and the chance to "catch our breath" before team season

Pray for our busy upcoming team season, especially for the work that the Lord is going to do in the hearts of those who come
Pray for us, that we would model servanthood for those who come down


Thank you again for your support and love for us; may you find the tomb empty once again as you remember the vibrance of God's love toward His creation.

Thank you for keeping up with us and our progress in ministry. We so value your prayers and support, and we would ask you to take a moment and pray for our journey and how you can play a part. To find out more CLICK HERE.