September Newsletter '09


This past month was all about Bible Training and Equipping. With three schools going on, on three islands, we have a lot to rejoice about from September.


Rock Sound School

Rock Sound is a settlement in the southern part of Eleuthera. For years we've been unable to draw any students from this region. So, for the past year we've worked to bring the Training Center down to them.

We prayed that God would give us at least 10 new pastors and church leaders for students, and He answered abundantly with 21! I had the privilege of teaching the first course this September: Bible Study Methods and Rules of Interpretation. It was a fantastic class, and so encouraging to see the content "click" as they became more proficient in the Bible Study Method.

This new class in Rock Sound is a HUGE "Yeah God!" moment for us, and it hits to the core of why we're serving here. However, there's much more to praise God for as well - we had two other schools going on as well, one in Freeport with Brad Fox and Lee Ferguson and one in St. Martin with Dave Hawkins and Brian Onken. September was truly a month to thank God for the work our ministry is able to be part of.

Click HERE to see pictures and read testimonials about what the students had to say
Click HERE for pictures of the Rock Sound school


Support to the Supporters

I want to take a moment and be sure to recognize and say "Thank You" to YOU - our supporters. Everyone has felt the pressure of this low economic season, and we know that it is often a sacrifice for you to give. It is our hope that you could rejoice with us in those moments where we see fruit in our ministry, such as 21 new Pastors and Church Leaders who wouldn't have access to training unless you sent us. Truly we couldn't be here without your faithful giving, so we say "Thank you." Our financial need still exists, but we are seeing God meet our needs day by day as we trust in Him for provision.


Emily and I are doing good and both enjoying ministry here on the island as well as our time as a family. Micah is growing like a weed - he is just huge! And he's at the age where he runs to meet me at the door and wants to play and be chased around all the time. Our little dog, Tag, has seen better days; he had to go to the vet in Nassau, but he's recovering well and he'll be back soon. Emily is very excited about dressing up Micah for Halloween and we'll he'll be hitting the 1 1/2 year mark this next month (be ready for some serious picture action in our next prayerletter).


Prayers and Praises
Praise for the new Bible Institute in Rock Sound
Praise for all the schools CMA is hosting and that Pastors and Church Leaders are receiving training
Praise for the Lord's provision of some new missionary families in process of joining CMA

Pray for us as we keep remaining faithful to our calling
Pray for Brad Fox and CMA as we continue to look to expand towards Abaco
Pray for new staff and new missionaries and many more schools all around the Caribbean
Finally, please pray for the financial needs within our ministry


Thank you for keeping up with us and our progress in ministry. We so value your prayers and support, and we would ask you to take a moment and pray for our journey and how you can play a part. To find out more CLICK HERE.