December Newsletter '06


December was a month of finishing; I finished another semester of seminary, we finished two giant church events, Emily finished half the year of teaching, and we all brought 2006 to a close. In this prayerletter we’ll recap some of the many events from the year.

Christmas Vacation

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” With the worries of school and work behind us, Emily and I hopped on a plane and headed up to Ohio for a good down-home Christmas with the Pfeister family. We arrived Christmas day to find mountains of presents, heaps of cookie tins, and little laughing grandkids with dogs a-barkin’ (sounds like a 12 days of Christmas song doesn’t it?!). Christmas with the Pfeisters was a lot of fun. We got to spend time with the whole family including Emily’s Grandma and her Aunt Susan and Uncle Mike from North Carolina. Also on our trip, Emily and her brother Jeremy got to catch up with all of their old friends from church, and we also got to see our old friends from Cedarville. This Christmas was all about seeing friends and family, and you can see more CHRISTMAS PICTURES HERE.

2006 in Review

This year brought us some pretty wonderful blessings. We began 2006 continuing our first year of marriage and living in our little apartment at school. Soon we had our interview with CMA and were accepted as Missionaries to Eleuthera in the process of raising support. We saw another class of students graduate from the Training Center in May, celebrated our 1 st anniversary, and started Emily had her first kindergarten graduation, and I made it to the halfway point in seminary. We bought a new camera, and started saving to pay off our school debt. My favorite memory from 06 was helping my dad build the new shed on our property up north. Emily’s favorite part of 06 was discovering our new small group to become family, so we finally had some friends in Texas. Grandpa died this year, our church went through some major transitions, and Emily’s childhood pet, Gus, died. Emily and I both started new Bible study groups and we’re finding new ways to serve in Dallas. 2006 has given so many wonderful memories and blessings that it would take pages to list them all.

Check out our ARCHIVE PAGE to see all about 2006

Eleuthera Update
Keep praying for the ministry at EBTC. There will be a team from Cedarville heading there soon, and construction on the hill is quickly coming to a close. Most of the missionaries are making trips home for Christmas and the Foxes will be heading back to Eleuthera January 10 th. Emily and I are still planning a trip over Spring Break, but we’ve yet to get our plane tickets. We’re very excited to see our friends again and get recharged to the ministry there. Finally, I had planned to finish the new website for CMA by Christmas, but I have just been completely burnt out from this past semester and never found the time, so I’ll keep you posted for when the site goes live; you’ll be able to see pictures of all the missionaries and ministries and download each staff member’s prayerletter.

Prayers and Praises
Praise for safe flights up to Ohio to see Emily’s family
Praise that our church programs went great
Praise that I got more good grades after another semester of seminary
Praise that Emily received an anonymous gift card to Kohl’s for Christmas
Praise for continued safety living and ministering in the city
Praise for all of you who receive this newsletter and pray for our ministry

It is now only one ankle that is bothering me, but there are days when it hurts really bad, please pray for healing
Pray for our flight back to Dallas
Pray for us as we start school again, both kindergarten and seminary
Please start praying for our upcoming trip back to Eleuthera in March
Keep praying for the missionaries with CMA and the Foxes new little baby boy, Tristan
Check out our answered prayer requests here: CLICK HERE.

Thank you for keeping up with us and our progress in ministry. We so value your prayers and support, and we would ask you to take a moment and pray for our journey and how you can play a part. To find out more CLICK HERE.