May Newsletter '06


This is our first ever monthly newsletter via e-mail. Through the wonder of technology we are able to reach more people with our updates than ever before. We are very thankful to be able to send YOU our updates. We are also very thankful to have transitioned to e-mail. The cost of e-mail is only pennies compared to the price of postage and materials for snail mail, so needless to say, we’re excited about the change.
We’ve have many visitors to our website and I thought it might be helpful to walk you through the corridors that make up the pages that you might visit, and give you an idea of what you might find.

The Black Bar at the top will always navigate you around to the various pages and it will appear at the top of each page, you can use it to scoot around quickly.

The Home Page has a chronological listing of articles – highlighting the noteworthy happenings in our lives and ministry. Read through the events and click on the pictures to enlarge. The Home Page also has a bar for quicklinks to other popular pages, and a spot where you can sign up to receive this monthly newsletter; so if you change e-mail addresses be sure to sign back up.

Find out about the ministry in Eleuthera, and about Emily and me in the About Page. Check out pictures on the Picture page, and browse through our virtual online library in the Articles Page (mostly still under construction).

The More Page will show your the options in your interested in supporting this ministry, and we want you to know that we desperately need your prayers.

The Journal Page will give you a day by day update from Emily’s perspective as we catalogue everyday adventures.

And take a second to visit our Contact Us Page and let us know what YOU think.

The ministry in Eleuthera is pressing on strong. Graduation was a blast, and every class is such a milestone for the Training Center. Read about it CLICK HERE, and check out pictures from the graduation CLICK HERE. As you pray for us, remember also the Childers and Foxes as they are daily serving at the Training Center. Also pray for Julie Landau as she transitions back stateside, and Dave and Vickie Hawkins as Dave will be spending significant time spreading the word to gather up the next eager class of Bahamian students.

I’ll be starting summer classes June 5th, so summer was short and sweet. Emily has finished her first year at CCCA teaching kindergarten with flying colors. The kids had their graduation from kindergarten to first grade and the program was very cute, Emily did an excellent job. Currently she is beginning a summer job at Chik-fil-a, here closer to home; so far she loves it too.

Answering The Da Vinci Code
Have you read the novel, seen the movie? Dan Brown wrote a compelling story that interweaves fact with fiction, sometimes so cleverly that it is often hard to tell the difference. After days of research I’ve put together a list of what the FACTS really say and how they impact our understanding of the 1st century church, and Jesus Christ. >CLICK HERE

Thank you for keeping up with us and our progress in ministry. As I mentioned, we so value your prayers and support, and we would ask you to take a moment and pray for our journey to set up a support team because sometime it can seems daunting.