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March 7, 2011
Micah is almost three! How did he get so old so fast? He’s getting so big! He still loves school, and I’m pretty sure he wishes he could go everyday. His best friends are Michael, MaShana, and Nathan. And he comes home having learned lots. It always suprises me when he starts singing a song or something that I didn’t teach him. He’s such a joy to us! He’s so wonderful! He talks so much now! And he likes to sing songs. His favorites are still Jesus loves me and the ABCs, and all the songs he learns at school. He was in the newspaper this month! And he won a gold medal at the school sports day! All the kids got them, but I’m still so proud of him! He ran fast and had lots of fun, although most of the time he just wanted to build a castle in the dirt on the field. Sometimes when he askes us to do something over and over and we don’t do it, like change his diaper, he’ll say “oh, come on Daddy! Change my diaper please!” One day he said “oh, come on Mommy, make me pancakes please!” It’s so very funny how he says it! He also is very good at sharing his food and wants us to taste everything he thinks is good. He’ll say “try it mommy, it’s nummy!” It’s very cute! Micah got sick a few weeks ago with a temperature and stomach ache for a week, then it took him a few weeks after that to be back to normal again. I took him to the doctor and called the pediatrician, but nobody seemed too worried, they all just said he had a stomach virus. He’s all better now, praise the Lord! I started memory verses with Micah a few weeks ago. I had big plans of memorizing a verse a week, but so far it’s been about three weeks and he’s still working on the first one. He’s doing a great job though for only being two! He’s almost got it down! Potty training, however, is not going to well. I have really dropped the ball on that though. I think with so much traveling potty training got put on the back burner and I haven’t really picked it up since we got back. I just have to build up the gumption to start again!

My birthday this year was good despite being sick all day. Ryan got me a cake which I was too sick to eat on my birthday too. I have to say though that Ryan and Micah took great care of me and I felt super loved all day so I can honestly say my birthday was good. We had cake when I felt better and then a few days later Ryan took me out to Sky Beach for a birthday lunch date. Then we went out for ice cream and brought all the workers at Sky Beach ice cream back to them. It was fun! I love Ryan’s giving heart!

We have had lots of visitors lately. Our friends Jeff and Chandra came a few weeks ago, and now Matt and Sukey and Delora are here visiting too. Jeff taught the last class and Matt is teaching this one, and it’s been great to spend time with both familes! The Lord has blessed us with wonderful friends! Matt and Sukey brought their beautiful twin girls who are only seven months old. They are doing great! It’s fun to have babies around the house again! And it’s fun having Delora here. She has been such a gracious host to Ryan and I for so many years and now it’s fun to have the chance to have her over to our house and show her our life here! It’s funny to think about times in college that we were at her house not even imagining that we would be here some day! I love looking back at the Lord’s faithfulness in our lives! It’s so fun to see where He’s brought us and how we got here!

- Emily
