With a vision to see Bahamians trained in their own culture, EBTC serves the entire Caribbean



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to CMA
The Caribbean Ministries Association

Canyon Creek Christian Academy

to FBC Frisco
First Baptist Church Frisco

to DTS
Dallas Theological Seminary


Pray for our continuing classes in Rock Sound

Pray for CMA and that God would send us more missionaries, and pray for those who are in process of joining right now

Remember to pray for Micah as he grows

Pray for board and for fundraising for ministry costs

Pray for the current staff CMA and our overall dependence on God for guidance

The continued expansion of CMA to all the islands thoughout the Caribbean and for future missionaries

The Return of Christ


10.31.09 - Happy Halloween - by Emily

We had a GREAT Halloween! This morning it started with pumpkin waffles that I made for our family breakfast! And tonight we all went up to Spanish Wells to go Trick-or-Treating!

We started a tradition of me making the Halloween costumes. It's so fun! I have been working on Micah's for a while now! I have loved making it, and it payed off because he's the cutest pumpkin! Ryan and I were pumpkin farmers! We dressed in our overalls!

Tonight our friend Candi met us at the dock in Spanish Wells and her and her daughter, Shaina, took us around in their golf cart, or "buggie". We lifted Micah on and off that buggie so many times tonight! Each time he would get right down and head for the nearest door.

He caught onto the idea quick and would go to the doors by himself. And then he thought he was invited into all the houses, so he would go right in!

There were lots of dogs, and most of them in costumes, so he loved that! He was great for the whole time, with the exclusion of once when he sat down in the middle of the street because he was tired, and once in someone's house when he got tired and decided to sit in their living room on the floor!

He loved getting his treats and quickly learned to put them in his basket himself too. He always kept one in his hand too! He got $7 of "dollar baby" money that we put in his piggy bank, and lots of chips and crackers, drinks, popsicles, and of course candy too!

Ryan and I had so much fun watching him! He's the biggest blessing! He always makes us smile! We also had lots of fun spending the time with Candi and Shaina! Thay are great friends! Their little dogs were dressed like a pirate and the other in a little skirt and top!

There were lots of fun costumes, and at a bunch of houses there were scary lights and ghosts and goblins! Micah of course loved looking at everything, and wasn't scared a bit! He was having so much fun with everything!
I already can't wait until next Halloween!