With a vision to see Bahamians trained in their own culture, EBTC serves the entire Caribbean



Student DTS

Astronomy POD
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FBC Mail
Joe and Jenna








to CMA
The Caribbean Ministries Association

Canyon Creek Christian Academy

to FBC Frisco
First Baptist Church Frisco

to DTS
Dallas Theological Seminary


Pray for our continued adjustment to living here and building relationships

Pray for CMA and that God would send us more missionaries

Remember to pray for Micah as he grows

Pray for overall saftey in travel (flying, driving)

Pray for the missionaries on Eleuthera and the classes

Pray for the current staff CMA and our overall dependence on God for guidance

The continued training of Bahamian students on the islands of Eleuthera and Freeport

The Return of Christ



01.23.09 - 9 Months Old - by Emily

Our little baby is growing way too fast!  He’s the most precious wonderful baby ever!  He is full of smiles!  And my favorite time is his bath time.  He loves playing in the bubbles!  He crawls back and forth, back and forth in the bath tub soooo ecxited! 

He got his first two teeth about a week before Christmas, and we learned quickly not to stick our fingers in his mouth!  We can’t see any other teeth yet but if his drooling is any indictation, more are just around the corner. 

Ryan and I have been busy baby-proofing everything in our house.  Micah gets into all the drawers and chews on everything he finds!  He’s eating more and more foods now, and so far he likes everything!  We had fun with high chair art the other day!  I gave him three kinds of pudding on his high chair and let him play in it!  It was super cute, and so fun!  And messy! 

He weighs over 24 pounds already!  He’s a big baby, wearing 18-24 month clothes.  And, it’s been chilly here so he’s been having to wear the two warm things we have over and over.  Yes, warm for us is 60 degrees at night which I know that most of you reading this would love right now, but for us it’s cold! 

We have been VERY blessed with family and friends who have sent packages with baby clothes, formula, diaper rash cream, sippy cups, and other baby needs.  The Lord has provided abundantly and we are so thankful for everything!

Our baby is such a huge blessing!