May Newsletter '13


May is here, spring is in the air, team season is coming, and final exams are in full swing. Like most months we're headed for another busy one. The month of April brought us Micah's 5th birthday, our first mission team for the year, Spiritual Emphasis Week, and "Big Bird" back in the Bahamas (a shout-out to all my college friends).


Happy Birthday Micah!

For those of you with kids, you know the drill: presents, cake, kids over to the house, and lots of fun.

Micah is certainly our joy and watching him grow and mature from infant to toddler to little boy to bigger boy is sad in the loss of one development stage, but exciting with the next.

His birthday this year was another celebration with both friends and family, however the family portion of it was held earlier in the month while Papa and Mimi were in town.

(that's the thing about birthdays when you're separated from family for most of the year… you get 2!).

Click HERE for pictures from Micah's Birthday with Papa and Mimi
Click HERE for pictures from Micah's 'real' Birthday


Team Season Has Begun: Our Saviour's Lutheran Church

Our first team for 2013 was fantastic (it helps when its your parents and family friends too). From a church that does not send too many teams out, OSLC set the bar high for the rest of our summer teams with their repeat trip this past month.

Their first day here, I walked them through all my projects, and there were a lot projects, and any trepidation was quickly dispelled as one by one the checklist became shorter and shorter, until there was no more!

Of all the things completed by the team, the most noticeable was the installation of a new gate for the school, painted bright blue and white with pink flowers in pots gleaming from the tops. Just about every day since, our other staff members here at the school have commented to me how much they love seeing the new gates each morning as they come to work.

It was such a blessing to have the team here and I wanted to share with you a note which I received from one of them after the trip: "The trip back to the States was a longer one, but did afford me the time to reflect on what was my real reason for going to Eleuthera. I saw first hand what a true mission is all about. It was not the tasks assigned and how they turned out. It was not to leave the campus with a piece of work that I can put my name on. It is not a vacation that I can go back to the States and "show off" my tan. It was a time to let God work through me to reach these young people. It was a time to lay the foundation for others to be able to better see God. I was a tool in the shop. I went to bed each night thanking God for giving me the strength to complete that day and looked forward to starting another. God smiled at me with beautiful sun rises and sun sets. It was hard to leave and I miss it now very much. The opportunity to serve God has very much been rewarding. Jesus never said to change anyone. Jesus gave us his direction. I am glad I took his advice and followed his direction. My prayers will always be with you and I look forward to the time I can continue his work."

I am so thankful for their servant spirits and willingness to go the extra mile. It is my prayer that all our teams will have similar testimonies as we serve the Lord together, doing His work at Windermere High.

Click HERE to see more pictures from their work week



Well everyone is getting tired as the school year winds down. Seems each day is a bit more exhausting than the last, and the student's attitudes don't help too much, however all in all they are some of the best kids I've ever known.

Emily has been baking cakes for birthdays and parties throughout April and now into May. In fact she is making birthday donuts right as I'm typing this! Her kids in class have been… well how do I say this… they've been terrible. The boys are too immature to listen, and… well yep, its just the boys.

Micah is doing great, and always wanting to play. He's got new cars and toys from his birthday, but the newest toy is Legos. Now that he has discovered Legos, there is no turning back.

Last weekend we had a repeat of our WHS Fair Day, because of inclement weather on our last fair. This past weekend I preached at a community service in Palmetto Point and next weekend I'm delivering the Mother's Day message in Spanish Wells. Please pray for us as our schedules are full and we are depending on God for His strength in ministry.

Our Bible College classes continue with great success. Seems each night the students give testimony on how they're seeing the Bible in a light like they've never experienced before, and their evaluation of church and their role in the local church continues to grow. Two of our students have even started developing their own ministries in their churches to help establish and grow them. We couldn't be prouder.

Now my most proudest moment from the past month has been the kids of Windermere High re-introducing a ministry I was a part of in my college days called: Big Bird (although we don't call it that any more). Basically, its a ministry to the local community by offering works of service through raking leaves, mowing yards, washing windows, and connecting relationally with the elderly and other community members.

This year I resurrection WHS's student council, or SGA, and placed the elected officers in charge of contacting every member of the local settlement to make a list of their needs. These kids did a great job. One by one we met every house. Then for the work day… of course you had a few complainers, but the majority of the kids did amazing. Then the next day, when I asked for only volunteers to go back out - the whole school signed up again… I was speechless.

It was full circle from my time as a student to watch my own students carry on the tradition. April was a wonderful month.

Click HERE for more pictures of our Big Bird work day
Click HERE for this month's Spiritual Emphasis Week


Post Script

If you've continued reading this far, there is a good chance that you are one of our monthly supporters. I just wanted to take a moment and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your commitment to our ministry and the Lord's work on Eleuthera. We have now been living in ministry full time on the island for 5 years, and when we look back we see that you are a continued anchor and strength to our work. It is our heartfelt desire that your giving is an act of worship to our King for His love and mercy to involve all of us in His Kingdom building: working together - those sent and those sending. Thank you for the last 5 years, and know we are committed with you to serve until He calls.


Prayers and Praises

Please praise God with me for His blessings on our college classes and on the spiritual enrichment in the lives of our high school students
Praise for Micah's time with grandparents and family for his birthday
Praise for a new truck for the school and the Lord meeting all our needs

Pray for our upcoming teams as they are meeting together and putting the finishing touches on their arrangements for the summer
Pray for me as I work to coordinate all we need. Oh and huge praise for the new load of hardware they will be installing each week this summer.
Pray for us as we are reaching the point of exhaustion, today felt like 2 days in one!

Thank you for your prayers and love and support - we love getting the care packages and boxes and letters - its an invaluable privilege and honor and blessing.


Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers and your involvement in our ministry with God's mission. To find out more about support CLICK HERE.

- Ryan Emily and Micah