April Newsletter '13


Happy Easter and on to Spring! We are enjoying our time with our Aunt Colleen and getting ready for the team from Our Saviour's Lutheran Church to arrive tomorrow, including… you guessed it: Mimi and Papa! March was a wee bit cold (I know… I know… cold for us at least), and Micah had a fun fabulous first track meet at his school.


Windermere Fair Day

We try each year to make the financial ends meet by including a Fair Day into the annual plan, and trust me… its a lot of planning. We've got games, and tons of food, and more games, and prizes, and very loud music, a store, a bouncy house, an auction, and did I mention food!

However this year the rain decided to come to the Fair, but we didn't invite the rain. With the rain came temperatures around 60 degrees, and you guessed it, people didn't come out to the fair.

After the final tally was recorded and bills were paid out of our gross, our net wasn't what we hoped. But we know God will provide, and as of today we're still deliberating if we're going to have a repeat Fair in May to make up for the loss in this one. We didn't even hold our auction, so there's some easy money stored up in a few goods that can be auctioned off if we advertise it as an "Auction w/ Food!"

Click HERE for more pictures of our Chilly Fair Day


Emily's Birthday and Valentine's Day

We are blessed to have my great Aunt Colleen with us for this special holiday. She is "really" part of the team that is coming tomorrow, but she made it down a little ahead of everyone. We have been going on adventures and Micah has a new best friend - just the best time.

Easter was a joy! We all enjoyed church and had a great time fellowshipping with a bunch of friends over for a wonderful Easter dinner, which Emily spent much love prepping. The kids all had an easter egg hunt and we dyed eggs and searched for baskets.

Click HERE for the rest of the Easter and Aunt Colleen Pictures



We are gearing up for our first team of the year (stay tuned for an update on the website shortly), and we're truly enjoying our first week off of school for 2013. We also finished up our 2nd term for Windermere's Bible College. Everyone is excited about starting term 3: Pauline Epistles.

Emily (apart from cooking) has been finding a moment or two to rest, but seriously only a moment, because of spring cleaning.

Micah is excited about his birthday. Micah had a big time track meet at his school. He came in 2nd place and 4th place (which he was actually more excited about because 4th place matches how old he is). He is also reading full books, and learning to enjoy this new found skill.

Click HERE for Emily's article on Micah's March Games


Prayers and Praises

Praise for the training and discipleship in our students lives
Praise God for the provisions for the school
Praise for our time with Aunt Colleen
Praise for Easter!

Pray for safe travels for our team, and for all the work this coming week
Pray for good weather (no more 60 degree rain)
Pray for the lost, and our witness as salt and light


Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers and your involvement in our ministry with God's mission. To find out more about support CLICK HERE.

- Ryan Emily and Micah