August Newsletter '11


Well its been a busy month, but the good kind of busy. We finished up our teams (in fact the last one just left today). We had some moments for celebration and we routinely saw the Lord's hand of loving providence daily! Now we're headed into another month of adventures.


A Week of Service

Coming on a mission trip to the island is a wonderful experience (it forever changed mine and Emily's lives). However, occasionally teams can come down simply for the experience alone. That is not the case with the teams we had this month.

These teams are deeply invested in the growth and development of the school. They come down every year and every time they invest hundreds of dollars and rigorous hours to building, cleaning, repairing, and serving.

The two teams that stand out this month were from Pretty Prairie and Union Baptist Church. It doesn't matter how long you've been doing missions, when you're around people like we had from these two teams, it makes you want to be a better person! They would get up early and work late, all the while smiling while serving.

1 week isn't extremely long. However, I've seen it again and again - when you get God's people together and everyone gives of the little they have, you can accomplish a lot!

Check out pictures of the Pretty Prairie team HERE
Check out pictures of the Union Baptist team HERE



July is a fun month, especially serving in the Bahamas. Not only do we have the fun interaction with teams, but we have 2 Independence Day celebrations: the US on the 4th and the Bahamas on the 10th!

This year we stayed up extra late too for Micah to see the fireworks. Though they were a little underwhelming, he was pretty impressed, but promptly fell asleep the entire ride home.

We are also celebrating because we're finally all moved in! Its amazing how moving can wear you out - boxes upon boxes and then organizing for weeks! However, we're happy to say, without having to breath our last, "it is finished!" God has show us his kindness daily and we are so thankful to our great God for His provision and grace.

Check out pictures of the Independence Day celebrations HERE




Another fun bonus of living in the Bahamas comes even as I write this today… because today is also a holiday: August Monday! Everyone closes up their shops and heads to the beach. So we did too (the ocean water helps battle the bug bites). Micah is almost completely potty-trained (thanks to all those who've written us with your support :-). We only have a handful of pull-ups left in the bag! Emily has started up again making jewelry and she's made the house a joyful and wonderful place! We've had the privilege to have some friends over for dinner and soon we're starting up new evening Bible Studies with neighbors (tomorrow in fact). I'm keeping busy with more repairs that I have time for, and catching up with old friends. You can keep me in your prayers as I'll be preaching this coming Sunday. More than anything we simply invite you to rejoice with us at the blessings God gives. Thank for all your thoughts and prayers.


Prayers and Praises

Only 1 big praise request this month - for the endless ways in which God has shown Himself faithful and kind, and for His unmerited favor and love!

Please pray for us this month as we begin the new school year. There are still a lot of unknowns and challenges ahead. We are depending on you, our supporters, for lifting us and our ministry up in prayer for this next month.


Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers and your involvement in our ministry with God's mission. To find out more about support CLICK HERE.

- Ryan Emily and Micah Flunker