July Newsletter '11


June was an amazing month, and we're headed straight into the heat of a July summer. Check out our time back in the US and the fantastic team we just had in Eleuthera.


Our Home Churches - Together

With a little apprehension we had a team made up of individuals from 3 different churches staying at Windermere while another church team was here as well. How was it going to go with the diversity of 4 different churches all at once - awesome!

Our team was primarily made up of the youth team from Emily's home church in Ohio, then with a few more adults from Frisco TX. We held one of the largest Vacation Bible Schools I've ever seen, and the team was well prepared to handle a week of discipleship with all those kids.

Additionally, they worked on some construction projects from the morning to afternoon each day, so we had an incredibly packed schedule. But somehow with God's grace they pulled it off. The snack shop got renovated, and the basketball court got a much needed facelift. It was such a blessing to serve with our home churches.

Check out more pictures of the NTM team HERE


Friends in Two Countries

June saw us packing up and heading back to Eleuthera, after what was a sweet time with our friends and church family back in Texas. I'm continually amazed to see and experience God's goodness in the relationships He has given us.

We stayed with our friends from small group (that started 6 years ago), we were given cars to drive, and rarely did we have lunch where someone didn't call us up to go out with them.

Then back on Eleuthera we gained new friendships. The leader of the other team staying at the school and his family invited us out to dinner and we were blessed to get to know them better. Micah is still talking about how much he loves his new friends.

Check out pictures from our trip back home HERE



We are busy starting at our new position as Campus Coordinator and Teachers at Windermere High School and settling in to our new home here. On top of that Micah is potty training, and most days doing great. He does good when he has something to work towards. Emily is involved in building relationships with the girls here, and we've had a great time reconnecting with our friends here on the island. I'm already preaching in the churches and we'll be soon starting a small group Bible study with some of the youth here. Please keep us in your prayers.


Prayers and Praises

Huge praise for the many ways God has provided for us over the past months
Praise for some unique needs being met here on Eleuthera
We praise God for the testimony He has given us, and how He gives us opportunity to share it with those who are being saved
Another huge praise for our team that came to serve - God is so good

Please pray for our upcoming teams and their impact on the island and the island's impact on them
Pray for those opportunities for discipleship and that God would show us how to love well


Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers and your involvement in our ministry with God's mission. To find out more about support CLICK HERE.

- Ryan Emily and Micah Flunker