September Newsletter '10


September is a busy month of beginnings here at the Training Center. We started classes back up in Rock Sound, and began a brand new set of classes here in James Cistern. Along with the usual busyness, some new relationships, and a visit from our college friends, September has been a full month.


Classes in Rock Sound

There is little that I love more than sitting in the classroom with our students. I couldn't help but remember what it was like in grade-school after you'd come back from summer break and everyone had new haircuts and brand new lunch boxes, there was so much excitement and anything seemed possible. Well, that is the way it felt to begin back in Rock Sound. To see everyone's smiling faces and be reunited in our classroom fellowship was delightful.

This beginning of our second year of training was also special because we were blessed to have Pastor Derrick Gerber teaching the Pastoral Ministries course. I spoke with many students after the course and they all commented on how this class in particular was extremely enlightening. Derrick skillfully led the class through the role of the pastor, along with qualifications, expectation and responsibilities. For many it was eye opening, and we all enjoyed our two weeks together.

Click HERE for pictures of the Rock Sound Class

Classes in James Cistern

As was briefly mentioned in last month's prayerletter, we've begun another new school in James Cistern with a growing number of eager students. The course was led by Patrick Rutherford and as course #1 usually is, the students were amazed. Many have never before seen a systematic way of doing Bible Study; one which elevates the Word of God as the primary source and challenges the student always towards application.

We begin our second course in JC on Monday, so please keep us in your prayers. The class has already meshed nicely and there is a real spirit of unity and excitement as we all submit ourselves under what the Word teaches night after night. We look forward with anticipation as to what the next two years will reveal in maturity and spiritual growth in their lives.

Click HERE for pictures of the JC Class



September was clearly busy, with two weeks in central Eleuthera followed immediately by two weeks in the south. Our most exciting news is our current visitors all the way from Alaska - Jesse and Erica Frederick along with their little girl Teresa. Jesse and I were roommate all through college and he has heard about Eleuthera and seen pictures for the last 10 years. Finally, now he can see it for himself.

We are enjoying our time with our friends, watch for a full article with pictures in next month's prayerletter. Micah has been attending pre-school and loving it. Our favorite time is picking him, as we smile with delight watching him recognize us at the door, and then squeal with excitement shouting "Mama, mama!" running into our arms. Its the BEST!


Prayers and Praises

Praise for the new class in James Cistern
Praise for being reunited with our students in Rock Sound
Praise for the great class led by Pastor Derrick

Pray for our upcoming class - including Teaching Methods with Brad Fox and family returning back to Eleuthera for a couple weeks
Pray for the Training Center and its mission to reach the church leaders with resources
Pray for us as we daily seek to be Spirit led, living as those are being redeemed


Thank you for keeping up with us and our progress in ministry. We so value your prayers and support, and we would ask you to take a moment and pray for our journey and how you can play a part. To find out more CLICK HERE.

- Ryan Emily and Micah Flunker