January Newsletter '10


January was a great kick off for the year, and if things continue as well as they have this month, it'll be a great year. This prayerletter will report on our Missions Conference in Cedarville, Course #4 in Rock Sound, and the fun updates for the new year, 2010!


Mission Conference at Cedarville University

The year began with one of the biggest events for us personally, which was both a trip back to Cedarville University and representing CMA with Paul and Lisa Voss at CU's Annual Mission's Conference.

The conference was fantastic, and it was quite of change of scenery to be on the other side of the mission's booth for once. Emily and I really enjoyed our time seeing old friends with handshakes and hugs. Cedarville will always feel like a bit of home.

We also loved spending time with Paul and Lisa. It is very rare that we get to see them together, as Lisa has her hands more than full at home, while Paul is busy traveling to the islands. After this trip, we have decided to officially make CU's Missions Conference part of our itinerary each year!

See pictures from the Cedarville Missions Conference Trip HERE

Pastor Chuck and Preaching Methods

The month ended with us finishing up our 4th course here at the Eleuthera Bible Training Center: Preaching Methods. Our students and I were excited to welcome my pastor Chuck Martin from the First Baptist Church in Frisco, TX to teach this class.

Not only is Chuck knowledgeable academically, but he brings a wealth of experience from serving as a pastor for… I won't even tell you how many years!

Along with spending time with Chuck, Emily and I also enjoyed getting to meet his sister Libby. She came down to serve on the mission field and spend time with Chuck, and she helped us tremendously by planting a garden! The students and the townsfolk all loved Chuck and Libby (I even had some asking me about them today) and we look forward to seeing them again on a team soon!

Check out pictures for Chuck's Class in Rock Sound HERE
Pictures of our time with Chuck and Libby HERE

It took about the whole month, but we've made the rounds to see everyone on the island again and reconnect for the new year. We are currently busy planning a All Student Reunion coming up at the end of the week, and we're excited about the potential of having everyone together. We also have a team coming at the end of the month.

Emily and Micah are GREAT! He is saying more words everyday, and his social skills are really showing (with some much needed guidance for him when things don't go "his" way).

Finally, we wanted to express a great big "Thank you" to all of our supporters. We received our final Donor Report on the year and we are humbled to see how the Lord provided for all our needs through your willingness to give. It is our prayer that your support for us and this ministry is truly an act of worship for you to our Lord… thank you!

Click HERE to read Emily's Journal about ALL of Micah's new words and adventures!


Prayers and Praises
Praise for a fantastic time with Chuck and Libby and a successful preaching class with the students
Another huge praise for the time we got to spend with family and friends over the holidays - and safe travel back to the island
Praise for classes continuing strong in St. Martin with Dave Hawkins and getting started on Freeport with Brad Fox
Praise for good results on Ryan's heart tests

Please pray (like this week or right now) for our upcoming Reunion this weekend; pray for our relationships with Alumni and the future involvement of the Training Center in their lives
Pray for the continuing relief effort in Haiti and our ministry to the Haitians around us
Finally, please pray for our ministry at the beginning of this year; that God would continue to send us more workers for the harvest!



Thank you for keeping up with us and our progress in ministry. We so value your prayers and support, and we would ask you to take a moment and pray for our journey and how you can play a part. To find out more CLICK HERE.